I have recently picked up knitting. It is addicting and so much fun! I think that teaching the kids to knit would be a fun way to pass on this disappearing art! :) I cannot imagine teaching 27 kids to knit. I am hoping there are some knitters among our parents that could come in for an hour or so and help us get started. I am in the process of finding needles and yarn, so I don't know the exact day this knitting party will take place. I would like to to get an idea of how many helpers we may have. Please send me an email, or a note in with your student. THANK YOU in advance!
Mrs. Graham
Hey Mrs. Graham,
You know how I feel about knitting... or maybe you don't, but I love it too and thought I would pass on this handy link in case you wanted to purchase everyone's needles...http://www.8season-knitting.com/single-pointed-knitting-needles-c-5.html
They're like 50 cents-ish a piece and definitely the cheapest you'll find! I look forward to hearing how it goes! :)
Mrs. Hicks
Bethany-- THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I wish we lived close by, you could come in and be our knitting expert! thanks again!
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