Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hello- I'm Mrs. Graham

Hello, I am Mrs. Graham, and I will be your teacher this year in fifth grade.  I am really looking forward to getting to know you.  We will be spending a lot of time together, learning with each other.  I hope you are excited for fifth grade, because there are so many neat things that we will be learning about!

I just want to tell you a little about myself, so that you can get to know me.  I was born in Houston, Texas and lived there a few years before we moved to El Paso, Texas.  We lived there for the next 15 years of my life.  I loved living there! El Paso is right on the border of Texas and Mexico.  I would often go to Mexico to go shopping or out to eat.  Ironically, I could be in Mexico faster than I could get to the other side of El Paso! When I was 17 I graduated from Franklin High School and went to college in Rexburg, Idaho.  I attended BYU-Idaho.  Idaho was extremely different from Texas.  I nearly froze my first winter there!   I learned a lot and made many great memories.  I finished college with my student teaching in Las Vegas, Nevada. After graduation, I decided to go on a mission for the LDS church.  I left in December to get ready to go to Budapest, Hungary.  (Not sure where Hungary is? Grab a map or a globe! Look closely; it’s only about the size of Indiana!) I loved living in Hungary, and hope to return someday. I came home in 2007 and then began teaching at Snow Springs.  I taught second grade for two years and fifth for last year.   I think we have a great school and love teaching here!

This summer flew by, as always! I hiked and swam a lot.  I spent a lot of time with my family and going to Seven Peak Water Park.  I also went to a family reunion at Seeley Lake, in Montana.  I love spending time outdoors.  I love road biking and did plenty of that this summer with my husband, Andrew. 

Some of my favorite things about fifth grade are:  Clear Creek, the American Hero Project, Hope of America, and the fun science experiments.  You have a lot to look forward to! See you soon!


Mrs. Graham

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