Monday, December 15, 2008

Thoughtful note....

I got this email from a mom, I really appreciated it and her thoughtfulness. Sometimes you never know the outcome of something, so I was thankful for her feedback! :) Thank you!
Hi there!

Thanks for the fun experience at Greenwood Manor. Taylor and I stayed a bit longer since we got there late. We had a great time untieing the blankets for each elderly person there and laying it on their laps. They were excited to see them unwrapped.... and made comments such as, "Blue is my favorite color," or "Isn't that nice!" etc. Taylor liked seeing who had his blanket too; we talked about her grandbabies and if any of them liked trucks. It was a lot of fun. We sang Amazing Grace and during our song, Jacob and his dad came too. So, they helped untie two other blankets and place them on the elderly people's laps. It was a sweet experience for us and I'm glad my son had that opportunity! Thanks for being so thoughtful and for making that a life experience for him!

p.s. I love that Taylor can tie blankets now! I had two blankets to tie for humanitarian purposes and kept putting them off... then Taylor told me that he knows how to do it and sure enough he had both of them tied shortly (which I had been putting off for weeks). Thanks for teaching him a new skill! I love it!

1 comment:

Globe Trotters said...

Kristen- you must be the best teacher ever! You are going to become the Ms. Atkin's of Orem :)