Thursday, October 9, 2008

Super SEPs

Can you believe we have made it to week 9!? The school year is flying by. I am really enjoying the year, and am looking forward to a lot of fun activities ahead. This week, with SEPs it has been fun getting to know the parents better. The students are so fun and cute, it is neat to meet the parents; in a way it helps me understand the students better. :) It always fascinates me to see the way the student I know and spend 7 hours a day with acts when the parent is in the room! All of a sudden that boy is shy? News to me. :) I see the opposite as well, those who are angels in the classroom and obviously feel a bit more comfortable with the parents. :) I love getting to see my students in different situations. This week has been a long one with 12 hour days, but a fun one. I really look forward to SEPs and look forward to them again in the Spring.

1 comment:

CMTASK said...

Thanks for posting pictures of the class. I love to see pictures esp. since we as parents can't be there to see everything that goes on. Thanks also for the 'heads up' on the fruit snacks! :)--Melissa H